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New Chapter ♡²

2014/2015 was not the best year for me, to say the least.

I definitely took detour that I had not planned on taking. Also, someone who said they'd be there for me; for our family, decided to give up. Done. Gone. There was once talk of going to family therapy if things ever got to the point of breaking up our little family. But things changed... Our family wasn't worth saving. We were so close to having our life back to normal, just a couple more months.

You can't make people stay, you can't make them talk about the problem if they don't want to, and you can't make people love you. Sometimes people find what their lives were missing in someone or something else. You just have to let go; set them free.

Emotional cheating is still cheating. Changing your passcode on your phone to hide the girls text messaging you is cheating. Allowing girls to text you is disrespectful and shows no loyalty. Not coming home until the next day is disrespectful. Lying to your partner about what you're doing and who you're doing it with is deceiving. If you have to hide it, delete it or can't tell your partner... You are being deceitful and untrustworthy.

Trust that is lost cannot be regained.

I am accepting of the situation and making an honest effort to move forward.

Something good will come from this experience. I will make it up in 2016; bigger dreams and bigger goals. I'm going to try new things and make time for self improvement.

Time to focus on me and my daughter. Life is going to get very different for her. I am going to have to stay very close to God to help us get through the emotional road ahead.

We'll be fine; I'm a survivor. Fight, survive, & preserver: that has always been MY life.

There's some excitement about what the future holds but I am also a little nervous.

God has a plan and I don't doubt it's amazing.

&& then there were two ♡²


- Posted from my iPhone📱

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