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...and in her heart she knew the pain was more than she would ever be able to bear. She made it though each day on fake smiles and lies; how else could she get through the day knowing that she was soon to be ripped away from everyone she knew and loved. The only thing worse than that was realizing that she had been the one to cause such heartache to herself and those around her.

She believed not in fairytales and happy endings, what she believed in was absolute truth; pain, struggle, and strife. Hard work and persistence made the [wo]man; hope had just as much to do with success as wishing on a star did. She was a realist.

What she believed is that you can decide to change and still fall into the same old habits; character flaws and spiritual defects. To call her a lost cause would be an understatement. She knew that there wasn't a person who hated her more than she hated herself.

There was a constant battle between who she was and who she longed to be.

-originally written 12/25/2014-

- Posted from my iPhone📱

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