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Trust. Intuition.

Always trust ur gut. Even if u don't think anything is wrong. I mean, you'll get that feeling in ur gut... Then you'll brush it off like, 'nah, everythings good. Why am I trippin?' But don't take it lightly. Seriously. Your body- your instincts know what's gunna happen before you even know there's an issue/problem. It's called Intuition; and it's a gift and curse.

I've had several occasions where I got that funny, sick feelin in my gut, like sumthin wasn't right. Without listening to my better judgement, I brushed it off.

The thought of turning ur life upside down on a whim... On a 'feeling'... is scary to people. But knowing you 'should have' trusted your gut instinct, 'knowing' that you 'knew all along' and did nothing is 1000x's worse.

Trust ur intuition. It'll Never steer you wrong.

espo xoxo

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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