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Time's [never] Right

It's hard to accept the fact that I may be in a situation where I am not moving forward; not growing, not progressing. I thought that we were on the same page, moving towards one goal; forever, family, future. How is that possible, how did I let it happen again? Was I not clear in stating what I wanted? Did I not mention that I had expectations?



Living Work

Life has been so


jet set, G0!

Why stay in a place where you start to feel less and less welcome?



I honestly didn’t expect to be this upset about how horribly you have affected me with your poor choice of actions.


Dear RODi; I Apologize...

I'm not really sure why this has been on my mind all day. But its important for me to address it, in the hope that I can clear my conscience.


Last Name EVER First Name GREATEST

I find myself in a constant state of awe lately...


What it's REALLY about

To me a wedding is about


Watching Contradictions

So if I believe that 'everything happens for a reason,' then why am I having such a hard time