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honesty starts w/ SELF

Feb 28, 2010

Sometimes I think about my traits, the most critical qualities that make up me; my personality. I can tend to be a walking contradiction. I hate to think that about myself but I have to be honest, especially if I notice it. I have a tendency to feel a certain way about a specific standard or principle, and then a few months later I’m on the opposite side of the fence of that same standard or principle I was against. How can I protest so adamantly about a certain ideal and then promote that ideal at a later time?

This is what I came up with, after much deliberation. My preferences tend to change more often then I am able to keep up. I think that instead of making an educated, thoughtful consideration of any specific ideal, I make rash thoughtless decisions or statements. It always seems to back fire on me, because after I have actually considered the pros and cons of that ideal, I see it differently than I had assumed I would.

I think I need to open my mind more often then I am opening my mouth.

Wow, those words taste just as bad, probably even worse, then they sounded.

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