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..::day dreaming::..

ESPO MICHELE ENG 155 TT JR 2 10.21.09

I bask in the applaud surrounding me. It's a beautiful sunny day, feels like San Diego weather although we're in Sacramento. The sky is the babiest of blues, the sun is fierce yellow with a ting of orange-red, and there isn't a cloud in the sky. There is a sea of people, all dressed in shiny blue just below me, smiling faces and teary eyes. I feel the happiness and pride that they all exude. Located just behind them is an older crowd, also happy and full of pride. This crowd is wise, proud and tears flow at a much higher and faster rate than the crowd in front of them.

I stand up; ready to cross over and I'm overjoyed. A flash, of everything I'd done to get to this point, plays through my mind. I no longer hear the applause. I no longer see the smiling faces. What I hear is muffled and seems like it's coming from miles away. What I see is blurred, like a picture soft focused 100 times too many. All I can really see and think about is the struggle and hard work, the determination and the perseverance; all that it took for me to get here. It was no easy task that I can tell you.

"Michele Espinoza," I hear the voice say. Already standing up, as if my body was prepared to do this without me, I start the long walk. I glance over to the crowd where I know my support is, seeing their faces and expressions make me ecstatic. I ever so carefully walk up the steps to the stage, as my feet hit the very top platform I throw my arms up in the air pounding my fists up and down. Smiling from ear to ear as the customary ‘congratulations’ and ‘Thank You’ is exchanged. And as quickly as it had all started; it was all over. I was finished; I was a graduate.

[“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” -Anatole France]

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